Your guide to better navigating the complexity and stresses of modern Life.
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Would you like to move through your day-to-day more smoothly or purposefully so you can better focus on the people or causes that matter most to you?

You know how it is.  Your daily routine is hectic!  There are a million things on your “To Do” list, but there’s no time to Pause to take even one moment for yourself, before moving on to the next thing.

Why does it seem like there’s never enough time to do the things that help you feel truly connected to loved ones or your wider community?  But, the trade-off for taking this time is to end up feeling buried under that “To Do” list!

Either way, this constant balancing act is starting to take a toll on your mental and physical well-being.

If you’re wanting to find relief from the stress and overwhelm of managing this balancing act, without always having to worry that something will inevitably fall through the cracks, you're in the right place!

My name is Jill Lanier, I’m the Founder of Mindful Renaissance and I love guiding people to tap into their ability to find their inner sense of calm so they can focus on how they want to show up in the world.

How can you get started?

First, sign up for my Mindful Renaissance weekly newsletter, where I provide simple, every-day strategies for slowing down and taking time for yourself, that won’t disrupt your “To Do” list.

If you’re wondering if my approach can really help, click here to find out who benefits from this approach.